Monday, April 28, 2014

Sneaky Hunter

We never know what we will find when we go into Hunters room. About an hour after the boys go to bed I always go in their rooms to check on them & cover them up before I fall asleep. Blake is always passed out but Hunter is always up to something. Sometimes he's asleep on the bottom bunk (which is not his bed) sometimes the floor & sometimes he's just smuggled toys into his bed & is up playing :)

Check up for Blake

Doctors appointments are always more fun when you bring a friend & snacks! :) Poor Blake had another ear infection. He's such a trooper, he never even complains. The funniest part is that he LOVES medicine! He was so excited to find out that he got to get more pink antibiotics! :) He's hilarious!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

The Easter Bunny came......

The baskets are out with a trail of jelly bellys from the boys room leading to them, an insane amount of eggs are hidden in the back yard and Billy & I are exhausted! Can't wait to see the boys faces tomorrow morning!!

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Tuesday, April 15, 2014

To cute for words :)

Scooter Gang

These guys are so fun to watch, they are little speed demons on their scooters!

Enjoying a hot day

Scooters, ice cream, & a little nap, what could be better!

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Andrew 3 Months & 9 days old

I can't believe how quickly time fly's by! Andrew is absolutely HUGE now! He has always been a good eater like his brothers and just like them, he is a solid baby! I love it! I love everything about this baby, his smell, his cuddles, his giggle when he sees me, the way he sleeps sprawled out in our bed, I mean everything, he's amazing. I have to admit though, the first two months were difficult. After Blake I was convinced that I totally new what I was doing and that every baby after the first was going to be a piece of cake. Boy did Andrew prove me wrong. Every night about 6:30pm he would start screaming and he would scream for about 2 hours regardless of what Billy and I did. I thought it was colic but after a little research, colicky babies scream for at least 3 hrs so I still don't know what that nonsense was. I'm just happy its past and he is now an easy, happy baby!! I went back to work this week so it was Andrews first week at daycare with his big brothers. Everyone loved him and he did great, except for the fact that he refuses the bottle. Absolutely refuses! I thought he would eventually take it but after 7 hrs the first day, my amazing daycare provider was worried. Even though he wasn't screaming or anything, he obviously needed food so she started feeding him out of a medicine dropper. Its been a week and he's still only taking milk from a medicine dropper. Even on Saturday, I worked and Billy had to bring him down on my lunch so he could eat. He seems to have gotten my stubbornness :)

First time in the ever popular Bumbo chair. Hunter and Blake loved sitting in this but I couldn't find ours in the attic.
 (thanks Aunt Noelle for letting us borrow yours!)
I love this smirk he always has on his face. Already a ladies man!
This was a lazy day for Andrew & I, you can tell by his greasy hair and jammies still on in the middle of the afternoon.
Who can resist bunny ears?!
Bathtime with Hunter! Blake insisted he needed 5 more minutes playing Ninja Turtles before he would get in.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

Our youngest Ninja Turtle :)

Andrew had a good time watching his big brothers run around shooting at each other today. Rebecca is Hunters buddy Caden's mom, she loves to get her baby fix when we are together & we love to visit!


It was hard to get pictures but these kids were so cute!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014


Me & the boys are preparing for the NERF war tomorrow at the park with all our buddies. There will be lots if crazy little boys running wild!