Saturday, January 7, 2012

Labor & Delivery of our little Blake

So, our little Blake is now 3 months old. Its taken me a while but I wanted to write a post about how the big day happened.

As everyone knows, I was scheduled to be induced on Sunday 10/16/11. Since I new that, I decided I would take Friday off of work, keep Hunter in daycare and have a relaxing "me" day at home. The day started off as normal, I got up at 5:15am, got myself ready, woke up Hunter at 6:15, had breakfast together, got him dressed, cuddled for a bit and then dropped him off at daycare at 7:15. On my way home I decided I would run to Target to get a couple of things......that was my first mistake. Somehow I decided to buy a bookshelf for Hunters room because his was to full. My relaxing morning turned into me hauling home and putting together this bookshelf by myself. I finished this at 11:30 and honestly could barely walk. I'm not sure if it was the lifting, bending or just the fact that I was 40 weeks pregnant but I was hurt and exhausted. No big deal, I had a few hours so I laid down to take a nap at 12:30 forgetting that I had a non stress test for the baby and I at 1:30. Well, at 2:00 Kaiser calls to tell me that I need to make it in, and reminds me how important these tests are for the Baby and I. So here I am, 3:00 and I arrive at Kaiser for my regular testing. At this point, I am slightly annoyed because I have been going to these appts 3 times a week for 10 weeks and I was exhausted and the size of a house. The testing starts and lasts 40 minutes at which point they tell me I am not meeting criteria and they are sending me to Walnut Creek. Basically, what that means is the baby was not showing enough movement and proper breathing. At this point, I'm not worried, I call Billy and ask him to not worry and to please stay with Hunter. I thought I would be in and out of there and was much more worried about not being with Hunter because yes, he is 2 1/2 and we have not yet left him for the night.
So I arrive at the hospital and they put me on some weird monitors and within seconds wisk me off to a room and tell me to call my husband. So of course I do and luckily Danita (Nonnie) was worried and had decided to go to our house in case I called so Billy was able to rush over.
At this point a Dr comes in and begins to tell me that they are going to start me on pitocin, they wanted me to have 3 strong contractions and see how the baby handled them. If he does fine, I go home. If he has problems, they would need to deliver the baby. Once I heard this I pushed for an induction that night. I was coming back in two days for one anyways and it seemed like something was not right with our little guy. Dr. Dillard was wonderful and agreed that if I new the risks that came with inducing (Cesarean) he was fine to induce that night. So, it was agreed and we started the pitocin at 9pm, I was already 2.5 cent dialated. It was a very slow process but about 3am I was in full blown labor and dialated to 5 so I got the epidural. Oh, how wonderful the epidural is!! Finally, I was able to rest a little until 9:15am I felt like I could push the baby out. The nurse checked me and said I was at 10 cm and ready to push. At 9:30am She asked me if I remembered how to push and asked me to give a little practice push. I did and she yelled, "stop, don't push, don't even more". She got on the phone and asked for the Dr immediately, she said, "this baby's coming in two pushes!" Then she looked at me and said, "don't make a liar out of me, you push this baby out!" haha
So, I did. Two pushs later and little Blake was in my arms. It was a little scary because the umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck 5 times and he was very blue but he was fine. By 9:39 I was holding Blake and they were cleaning up the room. Our boy had finally arrived and he was perfect!

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