Saturday, January 4, 2014

Andrews Birth Story

I wanted to make sure to get Andrews birth experience blogged before I forgot some of the details. I definitely want to be able to look back and remember this one. :)

It was Friday night, January 3rd 2014. Billy had surprised me with a gift certificate for a mani/pedi so I was feeling good when I went to bed. Around 11pm I woke up to go to the bathroom and I was feeling a little cramping and new instantly, this was going to be the night. I didn't want to wake Billy so I went and got my phone in case I needed to time the contractions but the minute I did that Billy was up and he new. I started timing them and they were very mild at first but consistent. Around 2am they were about 10 minutes apart so I called the Dr and they said to come in when they were 5 minutes apart, they would be ready for me. I called Danita (the boys Nonnie) and told her to be prepared it might be tonight. Of course, she was at my bedside rubbing my back within 20 minutes. She was amazing. 4am comes around and my contractions are averaging 5 minute apart so Billy and I decide to head to Walnut Creek Kaiser. When we were almost there I called them and to my surprise they tell me that they are full and I could choose to go there anywase but not have a room to give birth in or go to Antioch Kaiser which is and hour away. WHAT?!!! I was shocked but decided that trying to make it to Antioch Kaiser beat giving birth on a gurney in some hallway. So we head to Antioch (which by the way we had never been to) and our gas light goes on. We get off the freeway to look for a gas station and I am in FULL ON LABOR. When we go to get back on the freeway the on ramp was closed so we had to figure out our way on back roads. It was a nightmare and I was sure at that point I was going to be having our baby on the side of the road. Well, we made it to the hospital and they couldn't possible have been any slower getting me registered. I must have said 50 times that the baby was coming and that I needed the epidural. They always have to do blood work on me first because like with Hunter and Blakes pregnancies I was on blood thinners so in order to get an epidural, my blood work has to be back to normal. Meaning the blood thinners have had enough time to wear off. Billy started calling me the epidural Diva because I asked SO many times if they could get the ball rolling. By the time the slow intake nurse got me to a labor and delivery room & my blood work back, it was to late for the epidural. They actually got the needle in my back but my water broke and they saw meconium in it so they pulled the needle right back out. Within seconds they had me lie down, I was surrounded by 3 Drs, a midwife, 3 nurses and a pediatrician. They told me there was no time and I had to push, NOW! Terrified, I did just that and two pushes later I was holding my precious baby boy Andrew. All I can say about natural child birth is that it is a primal experience like nothing I have ever done before. I honestly would never choose it but I am glad looking back that I got to experience it and I can now say I did it.

Billy and I spent the day gazing at our beautiful new baby and then Billy went home to relieve Danita and spend the night with Hunter and Blake. Luckily, Aunt Noelle came to my rescue and stayed the night with me. She was my savoir because our precious little guy decided not to sleep the ENTIRE night so Aunt Noelle stayed up all night helping me. I should also mention that Noelle is pregnant so she gets double kudos! We love you Aunt Noe!

The next morning Billy arrived at 7am to go with Andrew to get circumcised and then spent the morning with us until we were allowed to go home at noon. We were anxious to get home, we are rarely away from the boys so I was missing them. It was great to have our whole family home together.

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