Monday, July 29, 2013

Our boy turns 4!

I can't believe Hunter is 4 years old. Where does the time go?! Hunter is such an overwhelming joy in our lives. He makes us laugh on a daily basis with his witty comments and his sneaky ways of trying to get what he wants.  He is SO much like Billy, the way he wakes up in the morning and doesn't really want to be spoken to right away. He always tells me how beautiful I am and asks to snuggle right before he tells me what a good idea it would be to share a treat :)
Hunter is an amazing big brother. He helps Blake in so many ways and always looks out for him. He is very excited to have another baby on the way but still asks that we pretend for just a little longer that he's going to have a sister instead of a brother. He is so eager to learn, he loves reading and writing and can't wait to start pre-school in September.
Hunter loves his dog Roxy, he calls her "mama" and yells at me if I put her outside to often. He still loves to be naked at all times but is proud of the fact that he can get dressed and put his shoes on all by himself.
I can't even begin to describe how proud we are to be Hunters parents. I remember before he was born, thinking about how as a parent its our job to shape these little individuals. What I never expected was how he would shape me into the person I am today. He has taught be how to be a mother. He has taught me what it feels like to love someone so much its terrifying. He has taught me to be selfless, because after he was born, nothing in the world mattered as much as him & the amazing little family that Billy and I had created.

Happy Birthday Hunter! Mommy and Daddy are so proud of you and look forward to soaking up every second of this year while you enjoy being 4 yrs. old!! We love you!!

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