Aunt Mary spoiled all the girls by taking us and our little ones to Gilroy Gardens. We had a wonderful day together and the kids had a blast. It was the first time Hunter had been on any rides so it was a big day for him. Of course the first thing we see when we walk through the gates, Curious George, Hunters favorite!

Everyone on the carousal, Hunter is in the very back holding on for dear life

I love this picture, Ali is having more fun watching Grace than Grace is on the ride. Such a mom!

I was so proud of Hunter going on all by himself. He was actually terrified but I think but he got use to it.

Hunters favorite was the train ride

Aunt Mary enjoying herself

Aunt Noelle on the carousal with Hunter, he enjoyed the chair rather than the horse.

Grace loving her horse

Just practicing.... :)

This was a water ride that started off exciting

Halfway through the ride, Hunter got sleepy

And he's out cold

The Curious George show was next but Hunter slept through it
Everyone else enjoyed it :)

The water park woke him up and was a hit for everyone
Thank you Mary!
This was such a fun day! I am so glad that we all got together to have some fun in the sun during my summer vacation! Hunter had a blast!