Tuesday, March 2, 2010

7 Months Old!

Some pictures of Hunter, 7 months have gone by soooo fast!!!

In the airport waiting to board the plane to Oregon

Cousins, Mikaila and Bobby.....LOVE THEM!!

Trying to find the yogurt they love so much

Mikaila being a little mom like always

Hunter will lounge in the bath like this forever

Hair is washed....face still has food on it. :)
All clean

Loves being naked!

Loving the swings with Dad at the playground

Roxy and Hunter are best buddies. He is always opening his mouth to kiss her (which I try my best to block) and everytime I turn around she is laying right next to him. Its so cute!

Good Morning Mom!

Well Hunter is now 7 months old and 21.10 lbs. As you can see, he is so much fun these days I can not even begin to explain. He has eaten just about every different baby food on the market and has no allergies which is awesome. He is also crawling all over the house like a little snake. He gets from one room to another so easily now but still only has his stomach off the ground for short periods, he mostly drags his body everywhere. Its really funny! He went on his first plane ride last week and was so good. The turbulence was pretty bad and my ears were popping like crazy but he hung in there like a champ, not one tear out of him. We went to Portland for 4 days to visit my sisters and had a great time. I thought it might be hard with him out of his routine and in a strange place but he was amazing. The first night we got in late but the other 3 nights he still went to bed at 7:30 and woke up at 7am like always. He even took his naps, I actually would go in the room to lay with him until he fell asleep and I always fell asleep as well. I was really tired!!! :)
This week he suddenly got extra attached to me for some reason. He wants me to hold him all the time and if I am doing something or someone is holding him he always has one eye on me to make sure I don't leave the room. I guess its just a stage that will pass eventually. He is really teething also so I think he is extra sensitive. He has 3 teeth now and they are adorable little things!


  1. Katherine thank you so much for sharing his growth. I love looking at the pictures but I really love reading your stories. Plus, it's fun to make one of the new pictures my screen saver. I have a 20" wide screen so sometimes his head comes out REAL BIG but I so enjoy seeing his face. xoxo

  2. Give Hunter a hug from me. I love that his hair is so blonde. What a stud!

  3. I love this Blog! What a wonderful way for me to see the cutest boy on earth even when I am so far away. Give him a squeeze from Auntie A.
