Sunday, October 11, 2009

He Sleeps!

Since we had Hunter we have been very good about keeping a routine. We always do the same thing, 7pm bath, feeding and asleep in his own bed. This started when he was about a week old and he has never slept in bed with us so I was hoping it would eventually pay off. Up until about 3 weeks ago little H was waking up on average every 2 hours to eat. Eventually he started sleeping 4 hours when we first put him down and then waking up every two hours after that. The last 3 days he would sleep 4-5 hours, wake up, eat and sleep another 3-4 hours. Well last night our hard work paid off!! :)
The nightly routine was the same but he was a bit fussier than usual and it took us a little longer to put him to sleep. He kept waking up and didn't actually go to sleep until about 10pm. I remember laying in bed hoping he would sleep at least 4 hours because we had a big day today and I didn't want to be exhausted. The next thing I knew I was waking up at 5:50am and he was still asleep. Thats right, he slept 8 hours!!!! :) First I looked at Billy and thought somehow I hadn't heard him and he had gotten up. When he said he hadn't I had to go check on him because I thought for sure something was wrong. When I saw everything was ok I got his bottle ready and made my coffee and he woke up within about 10 minutes but after he ate he went back to sleep until 8:15am. It was a beautiful morning!! :)

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