Wow, its been a really long time since I have posted any pictures or updates. I guess we have gotten lost in our daily life and just haven't made the time. I promised myself that starting today, I am going to go back to posting regularly, so keep checking! :)
Some exciting news is that our family is expecting another little one. I am just about 17 weeks pregnant and could not be more excited! We are calling this baby, "Baby C2" until we find out the sex and figure out a name. I'm actually feeling pretty good with this pregnancy. I was really sick the first 12 weeks but now I am doing well. Just like with Hunter I am giving myself shots once a day to prevent any blood clots. As most of you know I developed a pulmonary embolism when I was pregnant with Hunter (blood clot in my lungs) so now just as a preventative measure I need to be on blood thinners any time I am pregnant. Its actually fairly easy and I don't mind at all. As time goes by I will eventually have to give myself 3 shots a day but I think being a mom you just get tougher and tougher because you have to. I look at our little family and know I am capable of anything as long as it will keep my family safe and healthy.
On a different note, Hunter is now 22 months old and so much fun! He is a full on little boy now! He is really into Toy Story and Spiderman which is hilarious. He carries his little figurines all over the house. He's been sleeping in a big boy bed for a couple months now and thats going great. He goes to bed at 7:30 and sleeps until 5am, at that time he runs in our room and jumps in bed with us. I have to admit, I love the morning cuddle time we get to spend with him squished between Billy and I. 5am seems early to most but Billy and I get up for work at that time so I don't expect him to sleep in much later than that, although it is nice when the weekends come around and he occasionally sleeps until 6:30. We have been reading lots of books about "Potty Time" and using a "Big boy toilet" and just a couple weeks ago he started going. He is definitly not potty trained yet because he won't go in any other toilet outside the house but I think its a good start for being so young. I like that fact that he has such an interest in it and will tell us when or if he has to go.
One of Hunters favorite things these days is his Chickens. We have 4 chickens and a beautiful coop in our backyard. Originally, we got these for eggs and because I love animals and felt the need to get more, but its turned out to be one of the greatest gifts we have given Hunter. He knows all their names and loves to pet them and feed them. He collects there eggs daily and even loves cleaning their coop. They are so friendly that they will just come tap on the back to when they want Hunter to come out and feed them. Billy said we could get them as long as I gave them chef names so this is what I went with, Julia Child's, Betty Crocker, Mrs. Fields and Bordeaux. Bordeaux isn't a chef but its my favorite See's candy so I figured it was close enough! :)
I'm sorry I don't have pictures ready to post but I promise to get some up soon! I hope everyone is doing great and enjoying the warm weather this past week!