Friday, April 24, 2009

I am really pregnant now! :)

Their is no denying that there is a baby growing at full speed inside of me. I am just about 27 weeks now and our little guy is so full of kicks and somersaults on a daily basis. According to my favorite book these days,"What To Expect When You're Expecting" the babys eyes are beginning to open and he has a heightened sense of sight and hearing. This would explain all the action I am feeling. Also, he graduates into a new growth chart this week, he is no longer measured from crown to rump, but rather from head to toe. To most people this means nothing but to knew parents like us, our baby is preparing to meet us and we could not be any more excited!

Katherine & Billy

Sunday, April 12, 2009

22 Weeks Pregnant

Here is a picture of me at a birthday a couple of weeks ago. I am 22 weeks in this picture. The baby is growing more and more every day!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Finally, Billy felt a kick!!!

Last night I was lying in bed and as usual it seemed like the baby was playing soccer inside of me. For weeks now I have been anxiously awaiting a kick big enough for Billy to feel. Finally, last night while watching American Idol, baby kicked a field goal and Billy felt it. It was so exciting!!! The last few weeks have been great, with no problems for me or Baby. We are approaching our 24th week now and things are coming along quite nicely. I have some recent pictures that I will post in the next few days.
